10 things you didn’t know about the cactus


They go slow but grow and grow

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A fact to prove it: The largest cactus can reach weighing 12,000 kg!!! Everything about them is big. Another fact that surprises? That in 48 hours are able to absorb more than 1,000 liters of water. Almost nothing!

It does not serve any type of land

Resultado de imagen de arreglos con cactus y suculentas

Cactuses need land that drains water well, that is, better to be sandy and with stones. If you’re going to transplant him, keep that in mind. And don’t do as with the rest of the plants, I mean, don’t water it right after transplanting it. Wait between a week and ten days.

10 cosas que no sabías de los cactus

Esto es lo que le pasa a tu cuerpo si comes jengibre todos los días