10 things you didn’t know about the cactus

There are more than 2,500 species

Resultado de imagen de cactus tamaños

The name of his family is Cactacaea and is divided into about 170 genera and more than 2,500 species. So you have a thousand options among which to choose the cactus that best decorate your house, but a tip: if there are children at home, choose a Crassus cactus and avoid prickles.

Watch them in the winter!

Imagen relacionada

They are plants that want a lot of sunshine and warmth. So what do we do with them when the cold squeezes? It’s best to take them inside the house. Yes, do not put them in front of heat sources because the heating is not going well.

10 cosas que no sabías de los cactus

Esto es lo que le pasa a tu cuerpo si comes jengibre todos los días