8 Best Zinc Supplements


Zinc is an essential micronutrient that’s needed for a number of critical processes in your body. For example, zinc plays an important role in immune function, cell division, and protein and DNA synthesis.

While there are many food sources of zinc, including meat and shellfish, some people may be at a higher risk for not getting enough zinc in their diets.

For example, pregnant or lactating women, vegetarians and vegans, people with gastrointestinal disorders, individuals taking certain medications like diuretics, and those who drink alcohol excessively are at a higher risk of developing a zinc deficiency.

They may benefit from a zinc supplement.

Keep reading for our picks of the best zinc supplements, as well as tips on how to choose a product that’s right for you.

Best overall zinc supplement

Thorne Zinc Picolinate

  • Form: zinc picolinate
  • Dosage: 1 capsule per day

Thorne Research is a supplement company that has dedicated scientists, labs, and research facilities for nutritional supplements.

All of Thorne’s products are made in a lab that meets regulations and standards set by NSF International and the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), a regulatory body in Australia that’s responsible for assessing the safety of supplements.

Furthermore, the brand’s products are NSF Certified for Sport. This means that the products are tested to ensure the absence of more than 200 substances that many major athletic organizations have banned.

Thorne Zinc Picolinate is one of the best zinc supplements on the market due to the company’s high quality standards, purity of ingredients, and form of zinc used.

One tablet of this supplement provides 30 mg of zinc picolinate. For best results, take one tablet per day or as recommended by a doctor.


  • NSF Certified for Sport
  • trusted by healthcare professionals
  • gluten-free


  • can be difficult to find at local drugstores

Thorne Zinc Picolinate


Best subscription-based zinc supplement

Care/of Zinc

  • Form: zinc bisglycinate chelate
  • Dosage: 1 capsule per day

The Care/of site offers a quiz to help personalize the type and amount of micronutrients you receive.

It also lists a zinc capsule containing 15 mg of zinc bisglycinate chelate, a highly absorbable form of zinc, as well as 2 mg of copper sulfate.

High dose zinc supplements often contain copper because taking in high amounts of zinc can inhibit copper absorption.


  • affordable subscription-based service
  • vegan
  • gluten-free
  • non-GMO


  • not third-party tested or certified

Care/of Zinc